Andorra la Vella, Andorra • Click on image for a larger view.
Five Orange Spheres
©Stuart Williams 1981 – 2015. All rights reserved. 
(12 Locations • 2 Continents)
“Ohhhhh...... those are beautiful!” 
— Andy Warhol 
(from a 1983 interview) 
“A skillfully orchestrated union of the literal with the metaphorical… a triumph of the ephemeral.”
— Panorama Mese magazine, Milan
“When hanging from the palm trees in Los Angeles, Williams’  Five Orange Spheres appear as opulent bunches of terribly tempting fruit. When dotting the sandy shore of Cannon Beach, Oregon, they seem to be the mysterious eggs of huge sea turtles.” — Grazia magazine, Milan
A Traveling Installation: Like curious wandering ducklings, this lineup of human-size orange spheres has been on the move for more than three decades, visiting a dozen diverse urban and rural locations across the United States and Europe. It has been widely published in journals in France, Italy, Germany, Japan & the U.S.

• ALL PHOTOS ©Stuart Williams unless noted • Click on any image for a larger view.
Andorra la Vella, Andorra
Andorra la Vella, Andorra
At Château d’Azay-le-Rideau, France, the five orbs float on the moat.
On a misty foggy morning, the Spheres appear to be heading toward Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach, Oregon.
Japanese Garden, Portland, Oregon
Telegraph Hill, San Francisco
The Spheres “impose” themselves near a Henry Moore sculpture on the plaza of the Bank of California in downtown Seattle. This was a temporary installation.
Artist’s sketch for the palm tree installation of Five Orange Spheres. This sketch shows the spheres suspended over Foothill Drive in Beverly Hills, California. © Stuart Williams 1982. All Rights Reserved.
The Spheres become airborne at Palisades Park in Santa Monica, California. Photo © Craig Collins. 

“When hanging from the palm trees in California, Williams’ Five Orange Spheres appear as opulent bunches of terribly tempting fruit. When dotting the sandy shore of Cannon Beach, Oregon, they seem to be the mysterious eggs of huge sea turtles.”  — Grazia magazine, Milan
Here, the Spheres lounge in the Sheep’s Meadow in Central Park, New York City.
In Mill Valley, California the five spheres appear to march right into the house. A very close look reveals the 5th sphere which has already entered the house.
The quintet in the small Alpine village of Filisur, Switzerland.
Another view of the five spheres in Filisur, Switzerland. Click on photo for larger view.
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2 PHOTO COLLAGES printed on archival paper
“Five Orange Spheres, Collage #1” ©Stuart Williams 2024. All rights reserved
Fine art ink jet print (archival inks on archival paper)
3 Sizes Available: 24 x 48 in. • 18 x 36 in. • 12 x 24 in. (Each is a Limited Edition of 25)

Locations here: (Andorra • Santa Monica, CA • Cannon Beach, OR • Château d’Azay-le-Rideau, France • San Francisco)
Top Middle Photo ©Craig Collins. All others ©Stuart Williams
(12 Locations • 2 Continents)
”Five Orange Spheres" ©Stuart Williams.” This traveling installation has spanned more than 3 decades between 1981 and 2015. Like curious wandering ducklings, this lineup of human-size orange spheres has been on the move, visiting a dozen diverse urban and rural locations across the United States and Europe.
“Ohhhhh...... those are beautiful!” 
— Andy Warhol (reacting to Williams‘ project in a 1983 interview)
“A skillfully orchestrated union of the literal with the metaphorical… a triumph of the ephemeral.”
Panorama Mese, Milan
Click on image for a larger view.
““Five Orange Spheres, Collage #2” ©Stuart Williams 2024. All rights reserved
Fine art print. Archival inks on archival paper.
3 Sizes Available: 28 x 40 in. • 21 x 30 in. • 14 x 20 in. (Each is a Limited Edition of 25)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Locations here: (Santa Monica, CA • Château d’Azay-le-Rideau, France • Cannon Beach, OR • Central Park, NYC)
Top Left Photo ©Craig Collins. All others ©Stuart Williams
(12 Locations • 2 Continents)
”Five Orange Spheres" ©Stuart Williams.” This traveling installation has spanned more than 3 decades between 1981 and 2015. Like curious wandering ducklings, this lineup of human-size orange spheres has been on the move, visiting a dozen diverse urban and rural locations across the United States and Europe.

“When hanging from the palm trees in Los Angeles, Williams’  Five Orange Spheres appear as opulent bunches of terribly tempting fruit. When dotting the sandy shore of Cannon Beach, Oregon, they seem to be the mysterious eggs of huge sea turtles.” — “Grazia Magazine,” Milan
Click on image for a larger view..

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BELOW: Media & Publications:
Panorama Mese is a weekly Italian-language news magazine published in Italy and based in Milan.
LIFE magazine interviewed Williams and published a 4-page spread on this traveling installation.
At the time Williams was living in Hollywood but didn't yet have a phone (before cell phones). A LIFE reporter in New York interviewed the artist as he stood in a telephone booth in front of a Safeway grocery store.
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