“Luminous Earth Grid" swept over an expanse equal to 8 American football-fields at a cattle ranch 80 km (50 miles) north of San Francisco.
The project continues to draw wide critical acclaim..©Stuart Williams. Photo: Craig Collins
Peter Selz — Curator / MoMA, New York —
“It (Luminous Earth Grid) emanated a sense of the romantic sublime with its aura of surprise and wonder. It is a very, very beautiful thing… a fusion of nature, technology and art.” (review in “Art in America”)
“It (Luminous Earth Grid) emanated a sense of the romantic sublime with its aura of surprise and wonder. It is a very, very beautiful thing… a fusion of nature, technology and art.” (review in “Art in America”)
Andy Warhol, New York —
“Ohhhhh...... those are beautiful!”
(from an interview, in response to Williams’ “Five Orange Spheres”)
“Ohhhhh...... those are beautiful!”
(from an interview, in response to Williams’ “Five Orange Spheres”)
Allan Temko — Pulitzer Prize-winner, “San Francisco Chronicle” —
“It (Luminous Earth Grid) is unquestionably the most ambitious work of environmental art in the San Francisco Bay Area since Christo's Running Fence. It is a joyful thing.”
“It (Luminous Earth Grid) is unquestionably the most ambitious work of environmental art in the San Francisco Bay Area since Christo's Running Fence. It is a joyful thing.”
“iGNANT,” Berlin —
“Our emotional connection to an increasingly technologically dominated life would not be addressed by most artists until years later. This makes the Luminous Earth Grid, by American artist Stuart Williams, all the more remarkable.” (award-winning Berlin online culture magazine)
“Our emotional connection to an increasingly technologically dominated life would not be addressed by most artists until years later. This makes the Luminous Earth Grid, by American artist Stuart Williams, all the more remarkable.” (award-winning Berlin online culture magazine)
WildKat PR, Berlin —
“Williams’ monumental, environmental art installations have been critically acclaimed around the globe and have captivated thousands with their evocative and mesmerizing presence.”
“Williams’ monumental, environmental art installations have been critically acclaimed around the globe and have captivated thousands with their evocative and mesmerizing presence.”
“Kunstforum International,” Cologne —
“For the 70th anniversary of the devastating air raids on Dresden by Allied forces, American artist Stuart Williams has created a light installation, Breath of Life/Dresden, on Dresden’s famous Trinity Cathedral. By introducing rising and falling waves of light, he has made the Cathedral appear to breathe.”
“For the 70th anniversary of the devastating air raids on Dresden by Allied forces, American artist Stuart Williams has created a light installation, Breath of Life/Dresden, on Dresden’s famous Trinity Cathedral. By introducing rising and falling waves of light, he has made the Cathedral appear to breathe.”
CODAworx, Madison, WI —
“Your remarkable work, Luminous Earth Grid, has been featured in the first annual publication of The Economic Power of Public Art (2024). Your project has been selected for its outstanding artistic, cultural, and economic impact.” (from an e-mail to the artist)
“Your remarkable work, Luminous Earth Grid, has been featured in the first annual publication of The Economic Power of Public Art (2024). Your project has been selected for its outstanding artistic, cultural, and economic impact.” (from an e-mail to the artist)
“Public Art Review,” St. Paul, MN —
“As a trained architect, Williams not only understands light as the medium that shapes form, but he also appreciates buildings at a professional level. Says Williams, ‘as both an artist and an architect, I’ve felt the poetry and living presence of architecture. Buildings stand in silent witness to history unfolding around them.’”
(from a review of Williams’ Dresden Cathedral installation)
“As a trained architect, Williams not only understands light as the medium that shapes form, but he also appreciates buildings at a professional level. Says Williams, ‘as both an artist and an architect, I’ve felt the poetry and living presence of architecture. Buildings stand in silent witness to history unfolding around them.’”
(from a review of Williams’ Dresden Cathedral installation)
“The United Nations,” New York —
“Congratulations. The United Nations Academic Impact is organising a seminar as part of its continuing series, Unlearning Intolerance, at United Nations Headquarters. We would be honoured if you could speak on the subject… and join in a discussion with other panelists and the audience.”
(in response to the artist's Dresden Cathedral installation)
“Congratulations. The United Nations Academic Impact is organising a seminar as part of its continuing series, Unlearning Intolerance, at United Nations Headquarters. We would be honoured if you could speak on the subject… and join in a discussion with other panelists and the audience.”
(in response to the artist's Dresden Cathedral installation)
“Buckingham Palace,” London —
“The Prince of Wales was very interested to read of the installation (at Dresden Cathedral) and has asked me to send you his warmest thanks and best wishes for your endeavors.” (letter mailed to the artist)
“The Prince of Wales was very interested to read of the installation (at Dresden Cathedral) and has asked me to send you his warmest thanks and best wishes for your endeavors.” (letter mailed to the artist)
“The White House” —
“I appreciate your passion for the arts and humanities. I encourage you to keep speaking out
and I wish you all the best.” — President Barack Obama
“I appreciate your passion for the arts and humanities. I encourage you to keep speaking out
and I wish you all the best.” — President Barack Obama
“Panorama Mese,” Milan —
“A skillfully orchestrated union of the literal with the metaphorical… a triumph of the ephemeral.”
“A skillfully orchestrated union of the literal with the metaphorical… a triumph of the ephemeral.”
“ERG Media,” London —
“The grid (Luminous Earth Grid) covers such a vast area that designing, assembling and powering a project like this is a mammoth task. The finished product however is beautifully impactful, and so is its message.”
“The grid (Luminous Earth Grid) covers such a vast area that designing, assembling and powering a project like this is a mammoth task. The finished product however is beautifully impactful, and so is its message.”
“Roads Publishing,” Dublin, Ireland —
Luminous Earth Grid was featured in Art Installations: A Visual Guide, a monograph billed as “a visual journey and exploration of the most significant and groundbreaking highlights of installation art since the 1960s.”
Global Fine Art Awards Nominee, New York —
(Breath of Life/Dresden)…“an emblematic artwork of timeless and far-reaching importance.”
Luminous Earth Grid was featured in Art Installations: A Visual Guide, a monograph billed as “a visual journey and exploration of the most significant and groundbreaking highlights of installation art since the 1960s.”
Global Fine Art Awards Nominee, New York —
(Breath of Life/Dresden)…“an emblematic artwork of timeless and far-reaching importance.”
Volkswagen Corp. Headquarters, Wolfsburg, Germany —
“We consider Breath of Life/Dresden to be a very worthwhile enterprise.”
“We consider Breath of Life/Dresden to be a very worthwhile enterprise.”
Teta Moehs, U.S. Consulate General, Leipzig —
“I attended this year’s commemoration of the bombing of Dresden, and I can confirm that this is a moving occasion. Thank you for your outstanding contribution.” (an email to the artist)
City of Dresden, Germany —
“‘Breath of Life/Dresden offered a silent message for peace and reconciliation... an impressive contribution to a peaceful remembrance of the city’s destruction.”
“I attended this year’s commemoration of the bombing of Dresden, and I can confirm that this is a moving occasion. Thank you for your outstanding contribution.” (an email to the artist)
City of Dresden, Germany —
“‘Breath of Life/Dresden offered a silent message for peace and reconciliation... an impressive contribution to a peaceful remembrance of the city’s destruction.”
Dresden Mayor Lehmann —
“I'd like to thank you, Mr. Williams, for the enormous contribution you have made to our city.”
(mayor's speech at the opening of “Breath of Life/Dresden”)
“I'd like to thank you, Mr. Williams, for the enormous contribution you have made to our city.”
(mayor's speech at the opening of “Breath of Life/Dresden”)
“Feuilleton Scout,” Berlin —
“On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the air raids on Dresden, the city will commemorate its victims in a special way: New York artist, Stuart Williams, will transform the Dresden Cathedral Ss. Trinitatis with life-giving waves of light, making the Cathedral appear to breathe.”
(Berlin online arts & culture magazine)
“Grazia,” Milan —
“When hanging from the palm trees in Los Angeles, Williams’ Five Orange Spheres appear as opulent bunches of terribly tempting fruit. When dotting the sandy shore of Cannon Beach, Oregon, they seem to be the mysterious eggs of huge sea turtles.”
“LIFE Magazine,” New York —
“These huge orange inflatables which have materialized across the nation belong to Stuart Williams,
site-specific artist.”
“On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the air raids on Dresden, the city will commemorate its victims in a special way: New York artist, Stuart Williams, will transform the Dresden Cathedral Ss. Trinitatis with life-giving waves of light, making the Cathedral appear to breathe.”
(Berlin online arts & culture magazine)
“Grazia,” Milan —
“When hanging from the palm trees in Los Angeles, Williams’ Five Orange Spheres appear as opulent bunches of terribly tempting fruit. When dotting the sandy shore of Cannon Beach, Oregon, they seem to be the mysterious eggs of huge sea turtles.”
“LIFE Magazine,” New York —
“These huge orange inflatables which have materialized across the nation belong to Stuart Williams,
site-specific artist.”

The historic Dresden Cathedral appeared to breathe with slowly rising and falling waves of light, marking the 70th observance of the World War II bombing of Dresden in 1945. “Lebensatem/Dresden” (“Breath of LIfe/Dresden”), Dresden, Germany. © Stuart Williams. Photo © Craig Collins.